The pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the mental health of children and adolescents who have been made more vulnerable than ever by the collateral effects of COVID-19. And yet :
- Research on the prevention of mental health disorders is almost non-existent in Quebec
- Nearly one in two young people aged 12 to 25 report symptoms consistent with generalized anxiety disorder or major depression.**
- Despite progress seen in recent years, suicide remains the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults.
**Survey conducted by the Université de Sherbrooke on the psychological health of youth.
Finding ways to prevent mental health disorders is paramount.
Which is why we launched a Mental Health Fundraising Campaign supporting four key prevention research projects in 2022.
Your donation will have a multiplier effect…
Doubling your contribution to support projects led by our multidisciplinary and multi-centre research teams all across Quebec.
We are truly grateful for the generous support and commitment of our Builders.
Our Builders contribute to this fund because they want to help your gift go further by :
- Multiplying the value of your investment by doubling your donation.
- Accelerating the impact of your gift by driving progress on child and youth mental health research projects.
- Participating in the collective effort by promoting knowledge transfer and collaboration between researchers.
- Ensuring greater success for pediatric research in action.
- Providing secure funding for early project start-ups.
Grand donateurs
Un grand merci à tous nos généreux donateurs.
Nous sommes très reconnaissants de votre précieux soutien. Grâce à l’impact significatif de vos dons, qui sont multipliés par le Fonds de jumelage des Bâtisseurs, nous sommes en mesure d’accélérer les progrès des projets de recherche en santé mentale et sur d’autres axes pour les enfants et les adolescents.
Les dons des grands donateurs varient de 5 000 $ à 50 000 $ et plus.
- Fondation Chamandy ( 2023 et 2024)
- Osisko Gold Royalties
- Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo
- Fondation AGF
- Fondation Jacques et Michel Auger
- Fondation Holding Entreprise
- TD
- Corporation Financière Champlain
- St-Viateur Bagel
- Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux
- Fondation famille Charles Pellerin
- Fondation famille Zakuta
- Fondation Lise et Richard Fortin
La Fondation de la recherche pédiatrique remercie ses grands donateurs pour leur générosité.