Asymptomatic thrombosis, cancer
This project has several innovative elements. First, the concept of incidentally discovered asymptomatic VTE, or VTE, is largely unstudied in pediatrics, unlike its adult equivalent.
Principal investigator
- Dre Marie-Claude Pelland-Marcotte, Associate researcher, Reproduction, Maternal and Child Health Axis, CHUL
Cancer Inflammations and infections
When a child is born very prematurely, the brain is not fully mature. Several crucial stages of brain development occur in the weeks following birth.
Principal investigator
- Dr. Mireille Guillot, Associate researcher, Reproduction, Maternal and Child Health Axis, CHUL
Neurodevelopment and mental health Perinatal, neonatal and obstetrics
Pandemic mental health impact ADHD
The mental health of youth and its evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic are concerning on a number of fronts. Unfortunately, the data available at this point do not allow for concluding that the described emotional shifts are a direct result of the pandemic. More specifically, because some studies failed to identify groups at greater risk […]
Principal investigator
- Dr. Richard Bélanger, Pediatrician, clinical university researcher, Université Laval
- Slim Haddad (Researcher, full professor, Université Laval)
Neurodevelopment and mental health
Fathers are poorly represented in studies of the prenatal origins of illness and health problems. As a result, prenatal paternal factors that increase the risk of mental health problems in children are not well understood. A growing number of studies show that children of fathers with symptoms of depression, anxiety or stress are at higher […]
Principal investigator
- Célia Matte-Gagné, Professor Population Health and Best Health Practices Axis, CHUL
Neurodevelopment and mental health Perinatal, neonatal and obstetrics