Quebec Archives - Pediatric Research Foundation
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This project has several innovative elements. First, the concept of incidentally discovered asymptomatic VTE, or VTE, is largely unstudied in pediatrics, unlike its adult equivalent.

Principal investigator

  • Dre Marie-Claude Pelland-Marcotte, Associate researcher, Reproduction, Maternal and Child Health Axis, CHUL

Cancer Inflammations and infections

When a child is born very prematurely, the brain is not fully mature. Several crucial stages of brain development occur in the weeks following birth.

Principal investigator

  • Dr. Mireille Guillot, Associate researcher, Reproduction, Maternal and Child Health Axis, CHUL

Neurodevelopment and mental health Perinatal, neonatal and obstetrics



The mental health of youth and its evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic are concerning on a number of fronts. Unfortunately, the data available at this point do not allow for concluding that the described emotional shifts are a direct result of the pandemic. More specifically, because some studies failed to identify groups at greater risk […]

Principal investigator

  • Dr. Richard Bélanger, Pediatrician, clinical university researcher, Université Laval
  • Slim Haddad (Researcher, full professor, Université Laval)

Neurodevelopment and mental health

Fathers are poorly represented in studies of the prenatal origins of illness and health problems. As a result, prenatal paternal factors that increase the risk of mental health problems in children are not well understood. A growing number of studies show that children of fathers with symptoms of depression, anxiety or stress are at higher […]

Principal investigator

  • Célia Matte-Gagné, Professor Population Health and Best Health Practices Axis, CHUL

Neurodevelopment and mental health Perinatal, neonatal and obstetrics