A recent review of initial causes of maternal death based on hospital data in Canada identified suicide as the most frequent specific direct cause of maternal death up to one year postpartum, with a maternal mortality ratio (MMR) of 0.68 per 100,000 live births. This cause surpasses other specific direct causes such as puerperal sepsis […]
Principal investigator
- Amélie Boutin, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, CHU de Québec - Université Laval
Neurodevelopment and mental health

The research project, based on close collaboration between researchers at the Université de Sherbrooke and partners at CISSS-de-la-Montérégie-Centre, aims to document the effects of the HORIZON program, a nature and adventure-based intervention developed at CISSS-de-la-Montérégie-Centre. The program aims to better meet the needs of at-risk youth who do not respond well to traditional therapy. Nature […]
Principal investigator
- Fabienne Lagueux, Ph.D. Chercheure principale, Université de Sherbrooke Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines (Psychologie de l’enfance et adolescence)
Neurodevelopment and mental health

The PARLONSMAAT Project: A Longitudinal Participatory Cohort Study on the Impact of Affirmative Medical Care in Transgender Adolescents An estimated 0.5% of Quebec adolescents (2,500 aged 12-17) identify as transgender and non-binary, meaning that their internal gender identity does not match their biological sex. Many of them will begin the process of gender affirmation (transition) […]
Principal investigator
- Dr Nicholas Chadi, pédiatre et chercheur spécialisé en médecine de l’adolescence diplômé des universités McGill, de Montréal, de Toronto et Harvard.
Neurodevelopment and mental health

The main objectives of the study The objective of this project is to better understand the factors related to problematic eating attitudes and behaviours (PABA) and to guide programs promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing eating disorders. This will be done by establishing a portrait of the proportion of children in Quebec with ECPD as well […]
Principal researcher
- Isabelle Thibault, researcher and professor at the CHUS Research Center
Neurodevelopment and mental health

The main objectives of the study The objective of this study is to compare the specific clinical presentation of COVID-19 and immunological responses to infection in children compared to adults, and to determine the duration of immunity over time (kinetics of humoral and cellular immune responses). In order to investigate key questions for the development […]
Principal investigator
- Dr. Fatima Kakkar, Clinical Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases Service, Department of Pediatrics
Neurodevelopment and mental health

Inuit Futures and Development Study
MAIN OBJECTIVE The main objective of the project is to support young people from Nunavik who are experiencing suicidal behaviours reengage with life. Part of this involves helping them dare care, experience agency, imagining a future and reconnecting. This research project, led by Dre Gómez-Carrillo Castro of the MUHC, has four components: art to prevent […]
Principal investigator
- Dre Ana Gómez-Carrillo Castro, researcher in social and transcultural psychiatry at McGill University
Neurodevelopment and mental health

Birth asphyxia and resulting neonatal encephalopathy (NE) in full-term babies is a major cause of death and severe neurodevelopmental disabilities, including cerebral palsy and intellectual disability.
Principal investigator
- Professor Marie Brossard-Racine, Canada Research Chair in Brain and Child Development / Associate Professor at McGill University
Neurodevelopment and mental health Perinatal, neonatal and obstetrics

When a child is born very prematurely, the brain is not fully mature. Several crucial stages of brain development occur in the weeks following birth.
Principal investigator
- Dr. Mireille Guillot, Associate researcher, Reproduction, Maternal and Child Health Axis, CHUL
Neurodevelopment and mental health Perinatal, neonatal and obstetrics

While problematic eating attitudes and behaviours can surface during childhood and have extremely harmful effects over the long term, there have been no large-scale trials with enough participants to monitor children over a long period of time in order to identify and understand the psychosocial factors associated with the development of problematic eating attitudes and behaviours.
Principal investigator
- Professor Isabelle Thibault, PhD in Clinical Sciences, Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychoeducation, Université de Sherbrooke Research Centre
Metabolic and cardiovascular health Neurodevelopment and mental health

A March 2020 review in The Lancet synthesizes previous literature examining the psychological impacts of lockdowns, including elevated levels of stress, anxiety, mood, and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Despite these findings in individuals, no studies to our knowledge have examined the psychological effects of lockdowns on children, families, and family functioning, the factors affecting positive and […]
Principal investigator
- Dr. Lily Hechtman, Psychiatrist, Full Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Neurodevelopment and mental health